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Example of a combination product with powder and solution and a device. (home)
Bundle [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: co-packaged-liquid-and-syringe-complete-bundle
Type: collection
Product [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: wonderdrugPSFI
fullUrl: urn:uuid:e19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0316e
- Name: Wonderdrug powder and solution for injection
Dose Form (combination of all parts): powder and solution for injection (
arrow indicates that this PackagedProductDefinition resource points back to the parent MedicinalProductDefinition, instead of being linked forwards from it - via PackagedProductDefinition.packageFor
Package [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: box
fullUrl: urn:uuid:e19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0317e
Packaging - Box
Type: Box
Packaging - Inner Box
Type: Inner Box
Packaging - Sachet
Type: Sachet
Found a parent (PackagedProductDefinition/item, id: box fullUrl: urn:uuid:e19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0317e)
which is linked to this by
Manufactured Item [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: powderItem
fullUrl: urn:uuid:e19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0319e
- powder for solution injection (
Status: active
Dose Form: powder for solution injection (
Packaging - Bottle
Type: Bottle
Found a parent (PackagedProductDefinition/item, id: box fullUrl: urn:uuid:e19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0317e)
which is linked to this by
Manufactured Item [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: liquidItem
fullUrl: urn:uuid:e19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0319e
- solution for injection (
Status: active
Dose Form: solution for injection (
Packaging - Foil Bag
Type: Foil Bag
(failed to find ManufacturedItemDefinition reference (or DeviceDefinition) syringeDevice in the Bundle)
Administrable version of product [documentation R4 R5 R6]
id: apd-wonderdrugPSFI
fullUrl: urn:uuid:a19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0310e
- Solution for injection [100000073399] (, Route: Intramuscular use [100000073600] (
Status: active
Administrable Dose Form: Solution for injection [100000073399] (
Unit of Presentation: Syringe [200000002150] (
Route of Administration: Intramuscular use [100000073600] (
Warning - Found Ingredient that is not referenced (ingredient-wondersubstanceurn:uuid:e19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0310e)
Warning - Found Ingredient that is not referenced (ingredient-distilledwaterurn:uuid:e19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0310e)

-<Bundle xmlns="">
 <id value="co-packaged-liquid-and-syringe-complete-bundle"/>
 <type value="collection"/>
 <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:e19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0316e"/>
 <id value="wonderdrugPSFI"/>
 <system value=""/>
 <code value="powder and solution for injection"/>
 <productName value="Wonderdrug powder and solution for injection"/>
 <!--package> <package> <reference value="PackagedProductDefinition/box"/> </package> </package -->
 <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:e19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0317e"/>
 <id value="box"/>
 <text value="Box"/>
 <!-- can be more details of the package here, but not necessary for this use case  -->
 <text value="Inner Box"/>
 <text value="Sachet"/>
 <!--amountQuantity> <value value="20"/> <unit value="mg"/> </amountQuantity -->
 <text value="Bottle"/>
 <!--amountQuantity> <value value="50"/> <unit value="ml"/> </amountQuantity -->
 <text value="Foil Bag"/>
 <reference value="#syringeDevice"/>
 <!--amountInteger value="1"/ -->
 <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:e19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0318e"/>
 <id value="syringeDevice"/>
 <name value="WonderSyringe"/>
 <type value="registered-name"/>
 <text value="syringe"/>
 <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:e19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0319e"/>
 <id value="powderItem"/>
 <status value="active"/>
 <system value=""/>
 <code value="powder for solution injection"/>
 <!--ingredient> <reference> <reference value="#ingredient-wondersubstance"/> </reference> </ingredient -->
 <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:e19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0319e"/>
 <id value="liquidItem"/>
 <status value="active"/>
 <system value=""/>
 <code value="solution for injection"/>
 <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:e19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0310e"/>
 <id value="ingredient-wondersubstance"/>
 <status value="active"/>
 <system value=""/>
 <code value="active"/>
 <system value=""/>
 <!-- SNOMED perhaps  -->
 <code value="12345"/>
 <display value="Wondersubstance BP"/>
 <!-- can be strength here but not necessary for this use case  -->
 <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:e19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0310e"/>
 <id value="ingredient-distilledwater"/>
 <status value="active"/>
 <system value=""/>
 <code value="exipient"/>
 <system value=""/>
 <!-- SNOMED perhaps  -->
 <code value="56789"/>
 <display value="Distilled Water BP"/>
 <!-- can be strength here but not necessary for this use case  -->
 <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:a19deb42-7137-48b0-aef1-d37019d0310e"/>
 <id value="apd-wonderdrugPSFI"/>
 <status value="active"/>
 <system value=""/>
 <code value="100000073399"/>
 <display value="Solution for injection"/>
 <system value=""/>
 <code value="200000002150"/>
 <display value="Syringe"/>
 <!--ingredient> <reference value="#ingredient-wondersubstance"/> </ingredient> <ingredient> <reference value="#ingredient-distilledwater"/> </ingredient -->
 <system value=""/>
 <code value="100000073600"/>
 <display value="Intramuscular use"/>