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The\n Podhaler inhalation device and its storage case are made from plastic materials\n (polypropylene).\nWeekly carton contains 56 x 28 mg capsules (7 blisters with 8 capsules\n per blister), and a Podhaler device in its storage case.", "packaging": { "type": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/packageitemcontainertype", "code": "Carton" }] }, "quantity": "1", "material": [{ "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/packageItemContainerMaterial", "code": "Paperboard" }] }], "shelfLifeStorage": { "type": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/shelfLifeTypePlaceHolder", "code": "ShelfLifeofPackagedMedicinalProduct" }] }, "periodDuration": { "value": 3, "unit": "a" }, "specialPrecautionsForStorage": [{ "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/specialprecautionsforstorage", "code": "TOBIPodhalercapsulesmustalwaysbestoredinthe\nblistertoprotectfrommoistureandonlyremovedimmediatelybefore\nuse." }] }] }, "manufacturer": { "identifier": { 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"unit": "mg" }, "denominator": { "value": 1, "unit": "capsule" } } }] } }, { "resourceType":"RegulatedAuthorization", "id": "RA-KDVSODJS5674-d3e1017", "identifier": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/manufacturingauthorisationreferencenumber", "value": "KDVSODJS5674" }], "type": { "coding": [{ "system": "https://spor.ema.europa.eu/v1/lists/authorisationTypeExample", "code": "220000000099", "display": "Manufacturing Authorisation" }] }, "validityPeriod": { "start": "2012-05-01" } }, { "resourceType":"Ingredient", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1042", "extension": [{ "url": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/extension/subject", "valueReference": { "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" } }], "status": "active", "role": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/ingredientRole", "code": "Inactive" }] }, "substance": { "code": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "https://spor.ema.europa.eu/v2/SubstanceDefinition", "code": "calciumchloride" }] } }, "strength": [{ "presentationRatio": { "numerator": { "value": 0.5, "unit": "mg" }, "denominator": { "value": 1, "unit": "capsule" } } }] } }, { "resourceType":"Ingredient", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1062", "extension": [{ "url": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/extension/subject", "valueReference": { "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" } }], "status": "active", "role": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/ingredientRole", "code": "Inactive" }] }, "substance": { "code": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "https://spor.ema.europa.eu/v2/SubstanceDefinition", "code": "sulfuricacid" }] } }, "strength": [{ "presentationRatio": { "numerator": { "value": 10, "unit": "mg" }, "denominator": { "value": 1, "unit": "capsule" } }, "measurementPoint": "intragranular" }] } }, { "resourceType":"RegulatedAuthorization", "id": "RA-BLI48676-d3e1130", "identifier": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/manufacturingauthorisationreferencenumber", "value": "BLI48676" }], 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"MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" } }], "status": "active", "role": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/ingredientRole", "code": "ActiveMoiety" }] }, "substance": { "code": { "concept": { "text": "unknown" } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1229", "type": "indication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "indication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/indicationasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "InfectionPseudomonasaeruginosa" }], "text": "SPIO Inhaler is indicated for the suppressive therapy of chronic pulmonary infection due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa in adults and children aged 6 years and older with cystic fibrosis." } }, "diseaseStatus": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/diseasestatus", "code": "chronic" }] } }, "comorbidity": [{ "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/comorbidity", "code": "cysticfibrosis" }] } }], "intendedEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "https://spor.ema.europa.eu/v1/lists/intendedEffect", "code": "suppresivetherapy" }] } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1255", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Hearingloss" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Earandlabyrinthdisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Common" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1267", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Tinnitus" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Earandlabyrinthdisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Common" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1279", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Haemoptysis" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Vasculardisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Verycommon" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1291", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Epistaxis" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Vasculardisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Common" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1303", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Dyspnoea" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Respiratory,thoracicandmediastinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Verycommon" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1316", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Dysphonia" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Respiratory,thoracicandmediastinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Verycommon" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1328", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Productivecough" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Respiratory,thoracicandmediastinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Verycommon" }] } } }, { 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appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Respiratory,thoracicandmediastinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Verycommon" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1352", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Wheezing" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Respiratory,thoracicandmediastinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Common" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1364", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Rales" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Respiratory,thoracicandmediastinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Common" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1376", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Chestdiscomfort" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Respiratory,thoracicandmediastinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Common" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1389", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Nasalcongestion" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Respiratory,thoracicandmediastinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Common" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1401", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Bronchospasm" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Respiratory,thoracicandmediastinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Common" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1413", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Aphonia" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Respiratory,thoracicandmediastinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Common" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1425", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Sputumdiscoloured" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Respiratory,thoracicandmediastinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Notknown" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1437", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Oropharnygealpain" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Gastrointestinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Verycommon" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1449", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Vomiting" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Gastrointestinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Common" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1462", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Diarrhoea" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Gastrointestinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Common" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1474", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Throatirritation" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Gastrointestinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Common" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1486", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Nausea" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Gastrointestinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Common" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1498", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Dysgeusia" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Gastrointestinaldisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Common" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1510", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Rash" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Skinandsubcutaneoustissuedisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Common" }] } } }, { 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severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Musculoskeletal,connectivetissueandbonedisorders" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Common" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1535", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/SPIOPodhaler-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/undesirableeffectassymptom-condition-effect", "code": "Pyrexia" }], "text": "The most commonly reported adverse reactions in the main safety, active-controlled clinical study with SPIO Inhaler versus tobramycin nebuliser solution in cystic fibrosis patients with P. aeruginosa infection were cough, productive cough, pyrexia, dyspnoea, oropharyngeal pain, dysphonia and haemoptysis.\nIn the placebo-controlled study with SPIO Inhaler, the adverse reactions for which reported frequency was higher with SPIO Inhaler than with placebo were pharyngolaryngeal pain, dysgeusia and dysphonia.\nThe vast majority of adverse reactions reported with SPIO Inhaler were mild or moderate, and severity did not appear to differ between cycles or between the entire study and on-treatment periods." } }, "classification": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Generaldisordersandadministrationsiteconditions" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Verycommon" }] } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "SPIOInhaler28mg-d3e1547", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": 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"system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/symptom-condition-effectclassification", "code": "Generaldisordersandadministrationsiteconditions" }] }, "frequencyOfOccurrence": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/frequencyofoccurrence", "code": "Notknown" }] } } }], "identifier": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/mpId", "value": "{mpid}" }], "legalStatusOfSupply": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/legalstatusofsupply", "code": "Subjecttomedicalprescription" }] }, "pediatricUseIndicator": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/paediatricUseIndicator", "code": "Yes" }] }, "classification": [{ "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/value", "code": "J01GB01" }] }], "marketingStatus": [{ "country": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/countryCode", "code": "EU" }] }, "status": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/marketingstatus", "code": "Marketed" }] }, "dateRange": { "start": "2011-09-01" } }], 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"coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Hypersensitivity" }], "text": "Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1." } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e37", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Bleeding" }], "text": "Active clinically significant bleeding." } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e45", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Coagulopathiesandbleedingdiatheses(exclthrombocytopenic)" }], "text": "Hepatic disease associated with coagulopathy and clinically relevant bleeding risk (see\nsection 5.2)." } }, "comorbidity": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/comorbidity", "code": "Hepaticdisease" }] } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e56", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Gastriculcer" }], "text": "Lesion or condition if considered a significant risk factor for major bleeding. This may include \ncurrent or recent gastrointestinal ulceration, presence of malignant neoplasms at high risk of\nbleeding, recent brain or spinal injury, recent brain, spinal or ophthalmic surgery, recent\nintracranial haemorrhage, known or suspected oesophageal varices, arteriovenous\nmalformations, vascular aneurysms or major intraspinal or intracerebral vascular\nabnormalities." } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e64", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Intestinalulceration" }], "text": "Lesion or condition if considered a significant risk factor for major bleeding. This may include\ncurrent or recent gastrointestinal ulceration, presence of malignant neoplasms at high risk of\nbleeding, recent brain or spinal injury, recent brain, spinal or ophthalmic surgery, recent\nintracranial haemorrhage, known or suspected oesophageal varices, arteriovenous\nmalformations, vascular aneurysms or major intraspinal or intracerebral vascular\nabnormalities." } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e72", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Neoplasmmalignant" }], "text": "Lesion or condition if considered a significant risk factor for major bleeding. This may include\ncurrent or recent gastrointestinal ulceration, presence of malignant neoplasms at high risk of\nbleeding, recent brain or spinal injury, recent brain, spinal or ophthalmic surgery, recent\nintracranial haemorrhage, known or suspected oesophageal varices, arteriovenous\nmalformations, vascular aneurysms or major intraspinal or intracerebral vascular\nabnormalities." } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e80", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Braininjury" }], "text": "Lesion or condition if considered a significant risk factor for major bleeding. This may include\ncurrent or recent gastrointestinal ulceration, presence of malignant neoplasms at high risk of\nbleeding, recent brain or spinal injury, recent brain, spinal or ophthalmic surgery, recent\nintracranial haemorrhage, known or suspected oesophageal varices, arteriovenous\nmalformations, vascular aneurysms or major intraspinal or intracerebral vascular\nabnormalities." } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e88", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Spinalcordinjury" }], "text": "Lesion or condition if considered a significant risk factor for major bleeding. This may include\ncurrent or recent gastrointestinal ulceration, presence of malignant neoplasms at high risk of\nbleeding, recent brain or spinal injury, recent brain, spinal or ophthalmic surgery, recent\nintracranial haemorrhage, known or suspected oesophageal varices, arteriovenous\nmalformations, vascular aneurysms or major intraspinal or intracerebral vascular\nabnormalities." } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e96", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Brainoperation" }], "text": "Lesion or condition if considered a significant risk factor for major bleeding. This may include\ncurrent or recent gastrointestinal ulceration, presence of malignant neoplasms at high risk of\nbleeding, recent brain or spinal injury, recent brain, spinal or ophthalmic surgery, recent\nintracranial haemorrhage, known or suspected oesophageal varices, arteriovenous\nmalformations, vascular aneurysms or major intraspinal or intracerebral vascular\nabnormalities." } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e105", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Spinaloperation" }], "text": "Lesion or condition if considered a significant risk factor for major bleeding. This may include\ncurrent or recent gastrointestinal ulceration, presence of malignant neoplasms at high risk of\nbleeding, recent brain or spinal injury, recent brain, spinal or ophthalmic surgery, recent\nintracranial haemorrhage, known or suspected oesophageal varices, arteriovenous\nmalformations, vascular aneurysms or major intraspinal or intracerebral vascular\nabnormalities." } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e113", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Eyeoperation" }], "text": "Lesion or condition if considered a significant risk factor for major bleeding. This may include\ncurrent or recent gastrointestinal ulceration, presence of malignant neoplasms at high risk of\nbleeding, recent brain or spinal injury, recent brain, spinal or ophthalmic surgery, recent\nintracranial haemorrhage, known or suspected oesophageal varices, arteriovenous\nmalformations, vascular aneurysms or major intraspinal or intracerebral vascular\nabnormalities." } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e121", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Hemorrhageintracranial" }], "text": "Lesion or condition if considered a significant risk factor for major bleeding. This may include\ncurrent or recent gastrointestinal ulceration, presence of malignant neoplasms at high risk of\nbleeding, recent brain or spinal injury, recent brain, spinal or ophthalmic surgery, recent\nintracranial haemorrhage, known or suspected oesophageal varices, arteriovenous\nmalformations, vascular aneurysms or major intraspinal or intracerebral vascular\nabnormalities." } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e129", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Oesophagealvarices" }], "text": "Lesion or condition if considered a significant risk factor for major bleeding. This may include\ncurrent or recent gastrointestinal ulceration, presence of malignant neoplasms at high risk of\nbleeding, recent brain or spinal injury, recent brain, spinal or ophthalmic surgery, recent\nintracranial haemorrhage, known or suspected oesophageal varices, arteriovenous\nmalformations, vascular aneurysms or major intraspinal or intracerebral vascular\nabnormalities." } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e137", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Arteriovenousmalformations" }], "text": "Lesion or condition if considered a significant risk factor for major bleeding. This may include\ncurrent or recent gastrointestinal ulceration, presence of malignant neoplasms at high risk of\nbleeding, recent brain or spinal injury, recent brain, spinal or ophthalmic surgery, recent\nintracranial haemorrhage, known or suspected oesophageal varices, arteriovenous\nmalformations, vascular aneurysms or major intraspinal or intracerebral vascular\nabnormalities." } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e145", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Vascularaneurysms" }], "text": "Lesion or condition if considered a significant risk factor for major bleeding. This may include\ncurrent or recent gastrointestinal ulceration, presence of malignant neoplasms at high risk of\nbleeding, recent brain or spinal injury, recent brain, spinal or ophthalmic surgery, recent\nintracranial haemorrhage, known or suspected oesophageal varices, arteriovenous\nmalformations, vascular aneurysms or major intraspinal or intracerebral vascular\nabnormalities." } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e154", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Spinalvasculardisorder" }], "text": "Lesion or condition if considered a significant risk factor for major bleeding. This may include\ncurrent or recent gastrointestinal ulceration, presence of malignant neoplasms at high risk of\nbleeding, recent brain or spinal injury, recent brain, spinal or ophthalmic surgery, recent\nintracranial haemorrhage, known or suspected oesophageal varices, arteriovenous\nmalformations, vascular aneurysms or major intraspinal or intracerebral vascular\nabnormalities." } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e162", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/contraindicationsasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Vascularmalformationcerebral" }], "text": "Lesion or condition if considered a significant risk factor for major bleeding. This may include\ncurrent or recent gastrointestinal ulceration, presence of malignant neoplasms at high risk of\nbleeding, recent brain or spinal injury, recent brain, spinal or ophthalmic surgery, recent\nintracranial haemorrhage, known or suspected oesophageal varices, arteriovenous\nmalformations, vascular aneurysms or major intraspinal or intracerebral vascular\nabnormalities." } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e170", "type": "contraindication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "contraindication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "text": "Concomitant treatment with any other anticoagulant agent e.g., unfractionated heparin (UFH),\nlow molecular weight heparins (enoxaparin, dalteparin, etc.), heparin derivatives\n(fondaparinux, etc.), oral anticoagulants (warfarin, rivaroxaban, dabigatran, etc.) except under\nspecific circumstances of switching anticoagulant therapy (see section 4.2) or when UFH is\ngiven at doses necessary to maintain an open central venous or arterial catheter (see\nsection 4.5)." } }, "otherTherapy": { "relationshipType": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/therapyrelationshiptype", "code": "Co-therapy(with)" }] }, "treatment": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/medication", "code": "Unfractionatedheparin(UFH)" }] } } }, { "relationshipType": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/therapyrelationshiptype", "code": "Co-therapy(with)" }] }, "treatment": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/medication", "code": "Lowmolecularweightheparins" }] } } }, { "relationshipType": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/therapyrelationshiptype", "code": "Co-therapy(with)" }] }, "treatment": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/medication", "code": "enoxaparin" }] } } }, { "relationshipType": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/therapyrelationshiptype", "code": "Co-therapy(with)" }] }, "treatment": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/medication", "code": "dalteparin" }] } } }, { "relationshipType": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/therapyrelationshiptype", "code": "Co-therapy(with)" }] }, "treatment": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/medication", "code": "Heparinderivatives" }] } } }, { "relationshipType": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/therapyrelationshiptype", "code": "Co-therapy(with)" }] }, "treatment": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/medication", "code": "fondaparinux" }] } } }, { "relationshipType": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/therapyrelationshiptype", "code": "Co-therapy(with)" }] }, "treatment": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/medication", "code": "Oralanticoagulants" }] } } }, { "relationshipType": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/therapyrelationshiptype", "code": "Co-therapy(with)" }] }, "treatment": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/medication", "code": "warfarin" }] } } }, { "relationshipType": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/therapyrelationshiptype", "code": "Co-therapy(with)" }] }, "treatment": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/medication", "code": "rivaroxaban" }] } } }, { "relationshipType": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/therapyrelationshiptype", "code": "Co-therapy(with)" }] }, "treatment": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/medication", "code": "dabigatran" }] } } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e254", "type": "interaction", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "interaction": { "interactant": [{ "itemCodeableConcept": 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symptomatic heart failure (NYHA Class ≥ II).\nTreatment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), and prevention of recurrent\nDVT and PE in adults (see section 4.4 for haemodynamically unstable PE patients)." } }, "comorbidity": [{ "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/comorbidity", "code": "Hipsurgery" }] } }], "intendedEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/intendedeffect", "code": "PRYLX" }] } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e2164", "type": "indication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "indication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/indicationasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Venousthromboembolismprophylaxis" }], "text": "Prevention of venous thromboembolic events (VTE) in adult patients who have undergone elective hip\nor knee replacement surgery.\nPrevention of stroke and systemic embolism in adult patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation\n(NVAF), with one or more risk factors, such as prior stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA); age\n≥ 75 years; hypertension; diabetes mellitus; symptomatic heart failure (NYHA Class ≥ II).\nTreatment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), and prevention of recurrent\nDVT and PE in adults (see section 4.4 for haemodynamically unstable PE patients)." } }, "comorbidity": [{ "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/comorbidity", "code": "KneesurgeryNOS" }] } }], "intendedEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/intendedeffect", "code": "PRYLX" }] } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e2185", "type": "indication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "indication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ 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recurrent\nDVT and PE in adults (see section 4.4 for haemodynamically unstable PE patients)." } }, "intendedEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/intendedeffect", "code": "TREAT" }] } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e2290", "type": "indication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "indication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/indicationasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Deepveinthrombosis" }], "text": "Prevention of venous thromboembolic events (VTE) in adult patients who have undergone elective hip\nor knee replacement surgery.\nPrevention of stroke and systemic embolism in adult patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation\n(NVAF), with one or more risk factors, such as prior stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA); age\n≥ 75 years; hypertension; diabetes mellitus; symptomatic heart failure (NYHA Class ≥ II).\nTreatment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), and prevention of recurrent\nDVT and PE in adults (see section 4.4 for haemodynamically unstable PE patients)." } }, "diseaseStatus": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/diseasestatus", "code": "Recurrent" }] } }, "intendedEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/intendedeffect", "code": "PRYLX" }] } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e2310", "type": "indication", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "indication": { "diseaseSymptomProcedure": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/indicationasdisease-symptom-procedure", "code": "Pulmonaryembolismandthrombosis" }], "text": "Prevention of venous thromboembolic events (VTE) in adult patients who have undergone elective hip\nor knee replacement surgery.\nPrevention of stroke and systemic embolism in adult patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation\n(NVAF), with one or more risk factors, such as prior stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA); age\n≥ 75 years; hypertension; diabetes mellitus; symptomatic heart failure (NYHA Class ≥ II).\nTreatment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), and prevention of recurrent\nDVT and PE in adults (see section 4.4 for haemodynamically unstable PE patients)." } }, "diseaseStatus": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/diseasestatus", "code": "Recurrent" }] } }, "intendedEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": "http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/intendedeffect", "code": "PRYLX" }] } } } }, { "resourceType":"ClinicalUseDefinition", "id": "Equilidem2-5mg-d3e2330", "type": "undesirable-effect", "subject": [{ "reference": "MedicinalProductDefinition/Equilidem-contained" }], "undesirableEffect": { "symptomConditionEffect": { "concept": { "coding": [{ "system": 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